Moscow shades of gray

Moscow is of course not only a kaleidoscopic heaven of colours, it is also filled with several shades of grey, which I find equally beautiful.


After the dissolution of the Soviet Union many of the statues associated with USSR were collected and dumped in the Fallen Monument Park. It is an eerie feeling walking around surrounded by the likes of Stalin.


The city is also filled with beautiful Soviet mosaics; industrial and national achievements (astronauts, fighter planes, olympics etc) are mostly depicted.


Stalin isn’t exactly remembered for many good deeds, but I do love the seven Gothamesque skyscrapers that he erected, you can see them from all over the city. This is a good article about them. I am not romanticising what they stand for in any way, but I think while they’re there (very much in your face), one might as well admire them.


A close up of one of the skyscrapers, the Hotel Ukraine.


I forgot which one this is, but I think it’s The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Further concrete loveliness. I think this picture embodies the USSR pretty well.


Moscow is famous for its underground, which is regal looking with chandeliers, stuccoes and mosaics, but I think the lamps in the escalators are equally pretty. It gives me that Gotham City, doomsday feeling. Probably art deco?


Russians might not have a reputation of being the friendliest of nationalities, which I think is unfair. Initially, they might not be exceedingly extrovert, but give them some time and you realize they’re the most friendly, helpful and loyal people. Very similar to the Swedes actually.