One of my favourite things in China are its parks, not because they’re pretty but because of the fabulous people watching. Although parks can be fairly lively in the summertime in Europe, the Chinese just takes it to a whole other level when it comes to park activities.
One of the most popular things is dancing, they do some sort of aerobic/square dance/tai chi hybrid kind of dance in big groups. I get equally excited every time I see it. You can sometimes see it in the streets or on squares as well. Here is a youtube example.
Many people play music. A melancholic musician playing some kind of string instrument.
If you are really lucky (you don’t see this as often) you can see senior citizens performing theatre plays. This lady is putting her make up on, getting ready for the show.
Tadaa! Full costume and make up on, ready to enter the asphalt stage.
Most adorable audience ever.
Another performer singing traditional folk songs (I think).
With her dedicated audience.
I’m not sure I would trust this dapper poker player much, he probably has a trick or two up his sleeve. You can see a lot of people playing cards, mahjong and other games as well as couples dancing (like a Chinese waltz), communal singing, fun fairs, people getting acupuncture and god knows what else. So make sure you have a peek at whichever park if you go to China.
Unwarranted photo of the Chinese Jetson family home.