European associations in Victoria

A couple of years ago we saw a beautiful moon-themed exhibition in London, which was accompanied by the Moonlight Sonata. Ever since, I have had a cerebral soundtrack (only the first melancholic part) when looking at the moon.

Beethoven and this magical moon accompanied and perfected our night train experience, and we woke up the next morning in…

…Melbourne. Where there are lots and lots of filigree ornamented buildings, I love the rusty faded beauty of these especially, with the surf board providing the icing on the cake.

They resemble exquisite patisseries, and Moorish architecture, which paradoxically made us think of Europe. This made us homesick for the first time in five months. Melbourne has a very European feel to it, the fabulous restaurants reminded me of London.

As did the bookshops…

…and the well curated museums.

There was also a slice of Russia…

…and the former Soviet Union, which always makes me nostalgic. I’m not sure why, since I certainly don’t romanticise communism, but there is something bittersweet about bygone eras. I do, however, romanticise Europe immensely, no matter how much I love the rest of the world I could never live anywhere outside Europe permanently.

Back to Australia, which this rain soaked koala perfectly symbolises. Feeling very sorry for him/herself, patiently waiting for better times, maybe dreaming of the bygone era of pre-deforestation? We saw him/her (you need to see the chest in order to tell the sex) in the wild on a day-trip to the dramatic coastline.

It was raining all day, which was a slight nuisance, but we loved how it intensified and dimmed the colours at the same time.

The weather created a dramatic atmosphere, as did this calligraphic witch hand.

I love this colour palette of green, blue, white and sand. It is similar to the sandstone cliffs in Algarve, Portugal. And so, I’ve drifted away back to Europe again. We will, however, continue south before turning back to the west.